IBC Monarch - 2024 - Monarque IBC
Misty Rose, Orlando FL.
1st Runner up / Princesse
Rita Ann’Tique, Toronto ON.
2nd runner up - Duchesse
Lily Monroe, Montréal QC.
IBC Best Duo 2024
Rita Ann’Tique & Newfound Lad, Toronto ON.
Prestige Award 2024
BonBon Bombay, Montréal QC.
gala-awards 2024
Gala, Remise de prix
Le sondage a été effectué dans les différentes communautés par les artistes et artisans du milieu burlesque au Canada. Speciallement cette année, la partie live n’aura pas lieu.
The survey was held in the various communities by artists and workers of the burlesque scene in Canada. Especialy this year the live wont be presented.
1- Bitch Sassidy
2- Bea Lissima / Violette Coquette / Sugar Vixen
5- Célesta O’Lee / Rita Ann’tique / La Dame Derrière
1- Zyra Lee Vanity
2- Bea Lissima
3- Foxy Lexxi Brown / Joy Rider
5- Scarlet Delerium
1- Karla Marx
2- Baron Von Boom
3-5 LeTabby Lexington / Dandy / Miss Kiss
1- Karla Marx
2- April O'Peel
3- Tomboy Selleck
4-5 Sucre à la Crème / Lulu les Belles Mirettes
1- Ivy La Fleur
2- Holly Graphic / Madrose
4- Minx Arcana
5- April O'Peel
1- Velvet Pistol
2- Sloan
3- Milky Bunn
4- Joe King
5- Miss Shappen / Lazer Mulet / Tomboy Selleck
1- Sugar Vixen
2- Holly graphic
3- Starlotte Satine / Enchantay / CallmeKeeks
1- Manuge et Toi
2- Sweet Carousel
3- Scarlet Delirium
4- Brook Alviano
5- Tyler Greer / Bella Gold
1- The Cabaret Company
2- Déjà Louve
3- Red Light / Gliterverse Productions
5- April Opeel / Zyra Lee Vanity
1- Wiggle Room
2- Dickens Pub
3- The Attic
4- The Rio Theater
5- Hayloff Barn
1- Marissa Parisella
2- Veronica Bonderud
3- Kidd Gloves
4- Baevocative
5- Volumatic
IBC Monarch - 2023 - Monarque IBC
Violette Coquette
Edmonton AB,
1st Runner up / Princesse
Valerie Veils
Seattle WA,
2nd runner up - Duchesse
La Dame Derrière
Vancouver BC,
IBC Best Duo 2023
The Lady Chiffon & La Dame Derrière
IBC Awards 2023
Prestige Award
Frenchy Jones
Best Burlesque
1- Bea Lissima
2- Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière
3- Bitch Sassidy
4- Célesta O’Lee
5- Sugar Vixen
Best POC artist
1- Zyra Lee Vanity
2- Bea Lissima
3- Miami Minx
4-Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière
5- The Foxy Lexxi Brown
Most Comic
1- Karla Marx
2- Sucre à la Crème
3- April O’Peel
4-Lulu Les Belles Mirettes
5- Bitch Sassidy
Most Friendly
1- Miami Minx
2- Miss Meow / Ivy La Fleur
Best Host
1- Frenchy Jones
2- Karla Marx
3- Elle Diabloe
4- Dainty Smith
5- Baron Von Boom
Best Stage Kitten
1- Velvet Pistol
2- Milky Buns
3- Miss Kinky Karma
Best GoGo
1- Sugar Vixen
2- Page Turner
3- Butterscotch Blondie / Roxy Torpedo
Best Venue
1- The Wiggle Room
2- The Attic
3- Twisted Element
4- Dickens
5- Rivoli / Cabaret Lion D’Or
Best Productions
1- Productions Red Light
2- Lee Vanity Productions
3- Miss Meow Productions
4- Cabaret Calgary
5- Déjà Louve
Best Designer
1- Manuge et Toi
2. Glitter Crash Factory
3. Brook Alviano/ Bea Lissima
4. Veronica Rocket
Best Photograph
1- Marisa Parisella
2- Kidd Gloves
3- Pixzabelle
4- Julie Soto
5- Bealist Photography
2022 IBC Monarch
monarque ibc 2022
Margo May Hem
New York, NY.
1st Runner up
Lady Lola LeStrange Austin, Texas.
2nd Runner Up
Força Toronto Ont.
Best Burlesque, Best Boylesque, Best Queerlesque, Special Pandemic ‘I did My best from my livingroom’, Best POC
Ces gagnants ont été dévoilés et recompensé le 20 Aout lors du Gala…. / Those winners have bee revealed at the Gala on August 20th …
IBC Awards 2022
Prestige Award
Judith Stein
Best Burlesque
1- Loulou La Duchesse de Rière
2- Red Tongued, Raven
3- The Foxy Lexxi / Roxy Torpedo
5- Célesta O’Lee / Bitch Sassidy
Best Boylesque
1- James & The Giant Pasty
2- Kage Wolf Wrong
3- Note Rusty
4- El Toro
5- Petro / … (Retiré à la demande du récipiendaire)
Best Queerlesque
1- …. (Retiré à la demande du récipiendaire)
2- Rosie Bourgeoisie
3- Heaven Genderfuck
4- Miami Minx
Best POC
1- Red Tongued Raven
2- Bea Lissima
3- The Foxy Lexxi
4- Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière
5- Joy Rider
Special Pandemic ‘‘I did My best from my livingroom’’
1- The Foxy Lexxi
2- Roxy Torpedo
3- Elle Lixir
4- Loulou La Duchesse de Rière / Wrong Note Rusty
Best Draglesque
1-Miami Minx
2-Karla Marx
3- Charlie Deville / Newfound Lad / Vincent St-Grace
Best X lesque
1-Rosie Bourgeoisie
2- … (Retiré à la demande du récipiendaire)
3- Babia Majora / Call Them X / Holly Von Sinn / Rae Ricochet
Best kitten
1- Miss Shapen
2- Kinky Karma
3- Isa Strawberry
4- Lilah Lekker
5- Winona j. Fox
Best Gogo
1- Sugar Vixen
2- Enshantay
3- Butterscotch Blondie / Lady Corbeau / Luna LaPearl
Best MC
1- Karla Marx
2- Frenchy Jones
3- Roxy Torpedo
4- Elle Diabloe
5- Belle Jumelles
Best Production
1- Les Productions Redlight
2- Cabaret Calgary / Déjà Louve
Best Photographe Live
1- Kidd Gloves
2- Pixzabelle
3- Fubarfoto / Julie Soto
4- Jessica Judge / Stoo Metz
Best Photographe Studio
1- Marisa Parisella
2- Vintage Photography
Best Designer
1- Manuge et Toi
2- Glittercrash Factory
3- Kaiden Ivy
4- Veronika Rocket
IBC 2019
Monarque IBC Moarch
Apathy Angel New York, NY.
1st runner up Bianca Boom Boom, Toronto Ont.
2nd runner up Miami Minx Montréal, Qc
Gala Award
Best Burlesque
Lou Lou La Duchesse de Rière
Best Boylesque
James and The Giant Pasty
Best Stage Kitten
Damned Damsel
Best Venue
The Wiggle Room